As local, state and federal property regulations increase, one of the most challenging aspects of land development is the efficient attainment of appropriate approval permits. Gartley & Dorsky has proven experience permitting projects ranging from coastal piers to shoreland stabilization; from stream crossings to deer wintering areas. Through years of navigating the various permitting processes, Gartley & Dorsky has garnered the knowledge, experience and contacts to take your project through the permitting process as promptly and efficiently as possible.
Subdivisions, Site Plan Review, Shoreland Zoning
We have successfully represented development projects throughout MidCoast Maine. With this experience we have developed an understanding of the unique criteria and concerns which must be addressed for our local community approval boards. Our efficient, professional approach to permitting is beneficial and appreciated by both our clients and the board members themselves. We consistently strive to secure the necessary local permits in the minimum number of meetings — saving everyone time and money.
State and Federal:
Wetland, Vernal Pools, Shoreline Stabilization, Piers
We have an excellent working relationship with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of Marine Resources, the Department of Conservation and the Army Corps of Engineers. We have represented thousands of projects to these organizations over the years and work with their regulators on a regular basis. In addition to our cooperative contact base, we focus on both the written regulations and the intent of the regulations to find the best way to represent our clients. We closely follow new developments and regulatory changes for these organizations, making us acutely aware of the most current regulatory requirements and procedures.
We are proud of our working relationship with these state and federal departments, and invite you to contact them regarding our qualifications and experience in the various state permit processes. For contact information:
- MDEP Licensing and Enforcement Divisions
- Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
- Department of Marine Resources
- Department of Conservation
- Army Corp of Engineers